These Are Our

Foliar Feeds


A foliar Magnesium and Potassium product with traces of Manganese, Boron, Zinc. This product is ideal for all Crops. This product will supply Magnesium and Potassium on deficient soils and also as soils dry out and plants become deficient.

Application rate 1.25-2.5 litres/ha


A foliar micronutrient containing Manganese, Zinc and Sulphur. Suitable for a wide range of crops on manganese and zinc deficient soils.

NAT-K-25 (25% Potassium)

A high concentrated form of foliar Potassium in a readily available plant form. Can be applied throughout the growing season but is particularly suited to key growing stages like flowering, bulking of crops and grain set.

Application rate 1-5 litres/ha

Natkel (0-8-14)

A balanced blend of foliar Phosphorus and Potassium with added micro-nutrients. Ideally suited to the establishment phase of plants and post flowering. As a foliar applied micro-nutrient with a carbon source, it is readily available to the plant.

Application rate 3-6 litres/ha

Phylon Humic (12% Humic 5% Fulvic)

A blend of Humic and Fulvic acid. These two elements are ideal for nutrient retention in the soil or in combination with other trace elements. Humic and Fulvic act as a nutrient carrier taking trace elements into the plant when applied foliar and increasing the nutrient use efficiency of minerals in the soil.

Application rate 7.5 – 12.5 litres/ha


A complex foliar feed suitable for a broad range of crops. This product contains foliar Nitrogen in a very plant available form, plus a range of other trace elements including, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Magnesium and Sulphur.

Application rate 2.5-4 litres/ha


COPERLENE is a copper formulation with complexed zinc. Its systemic nature allows rapid absorption and translocation of copper within the plant. Copper acts as an activator and component of enzymes involved in various physiological processes of plant metabolism; it is involved in photosynthesis and protein synthesis. Copper promotes tissue lignification which protects the plant against fungal and bacterial diseases.

Application rate 150-300 ml/ha

Marlon (4.8-1.5-4.0)

MARLON is a natural fertilizer with stimulating action. It is made from organic plant sources and is suitable for all types of crops and soils. MARLON has a low saline index and is free of ions that can disturb soil and plant health when applied continuously. Its slightly acidic pH in solution increases the mobilization and absorption of micro nutrients and contributes to the biological activity of the soil. Marlon is an organically registered product.

Application rate 2.5-5 litres/ha

Contact us for your nearest merchant or distributor to purchase any of our products.